Chakras - The Seven Energy Centers

1st Chakra - Root
Located at the base of the spine; associated with physical survival, energy distribution, and practicality.
2nd Chakra - Sakral
Located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel; associated with creativity, feelings, sexual drive, and exploration.
3rd Chakra - Solar Plexis
Located just below the rib cage; associated with sense of identity, self-confidence, and personal power.
4th Chakra - Heart
Located at the center of the chest; associated with love, relationships, personal development, direction, and sharing.
5th Chakra - Throat
Located at the throat; associated with communication, personal expression, and the flow of information.
6th Chakra - Third Eye
Located at the center of the brows; associated with intuition, perception, knowledge, and mental organization.
7th Chakra - Crown
Located just above the top of the head; associated with cosmic perception, intuition, and inspiration.
How the Phases of Life Relate to the Seven Chakras
1. Prenatal and Childhood - Root
2. Pre- Adult - Sakral
3. Ages 20-30 - Solar Plexis
4. Ages 30-35 - Heart
5. Ages 35-45 - Throat
6. Ages 45-65 - Third Eye
7. Ages 65+ - Crown
Each of the Chakras have disorders associated with them as well.

There are also certain diets that can be followed to boost the vibreations of each one of your Chakras.
Root - Beets, carrots, garlic, onions, potatoes, radishes, and protein rich foods.
Sacral - Fruits with seeds such as mangoes, melons, oranges, and strawberries; nuts and honey.
Solar Plexus - Grains such as whole grain breads and cereals, granola, flax, and rice; dairy items like cheese, kefir, milk, and yogurt.
Heart - Green vegetables like broccoli, kale, kelp, lettuce, spinach, and sprouts; green tea and green smoothies are also great choices.
Throat - Liquids such as water, herbal teas, and natural fruit juices; fruits that grow on trees like apples, apricots, peahces, pears, and plums; lemons and lemons work great for clearing out stuck energy.
Third Eye - Bluish or purple foods such as blackberries, black currants, blueberries, red or purple grapes, prunes and raisins; beverages made from grapes like juice or red wine (wine should be drunk in moderation otherwise it will weaken the area rather than strengthen it)
Crown - Detoxes or fasts are effective as the break from food works to help the body rest and regenerate. Some options are light meals for a day, sipping on broths, or juicing fresh fruits and vegetables.
The below image represents the various Chakra stages that are affected from meditation.